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How To Keep Your Lawn Healthy This Season

fall home maintenance tips Oct 05, 2023

Maintaining a healthy lawn in the fall is essential to ensure it survives the winter and comes back lush and vibrant in the spring. Here are ten tips to help you keep your lawn healthy this fall.


1. Regular Mowing

Continue to mow your lawn as needed in the fall, but gradually raise the mower blade to allow the grass to grow slightly longer. Taller grass helps shade the soil and prevents weed growth. However you don't want it too long when the snow comes.


2. Fall Aeration

Consider aerating your lawn to improve soil compaction and promote better water and nutrient absorption. This is especially important if your soil is heavy or clay-based.


3. Overseeding

Fall is an excellent time for overseeding to thicken your lawn. Choose a grass seed blend that's suitable for your region and lawn type, and ensure good seed-to-soil contact.


4. Fertilize

Apply a balanced, slow-release fertilizer with a higher phosphorus content to encourage root growth. Follow recommended application rates for your specific grass type.


5. Weed Control

Continue to manage weeds in the fall. Apply weed control products as needed, targeting broadleaf weeds like dandelions and clover.


6. Raking and Leaf Removal

Regularly remove fallen leaves from your lawn to prevent them from smothering the grass. Consider mulching them with a mower to return nutrients to the soil. You want all the leaves gone by the time first snow comes.


7. Watering

Keep an eye on your lawn's moisture level. While you may not need to water as frequently as in the summer, ensure your lawn receives about an inch of water per week if there is insufficient rainfall.


8. Dethatching

If your lawn has a thatch problem (a layer of dead grass and organic matter), consider dethatching in early fall to improve nutrient uptake.


9. Pest Control

Be vigilant for lawn pests like grubs and apply appropriate control measures if necessary. Fall is a good time to address these issues before winter.


10. Lawn Equipment Maintenance

Before winter, clean and sharpen your lawn mower blades, trimmers, and other equipment. Properly store them and winterize your irrigation system if you have one.


By following these tips, you can help ensure that your lawn remains healthy and resilient throughout the fall season, setting the stage for a lush and beautiful lawn in the spring. Remember that specific care requirements may vary depending on your region and grass type, so it's a good idea to consult with a local gardening expert for more tailored advice.


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